Barbara Rozman
Flying Monkeys Dog Training
High Five de Loubajac (Imp)
Impi is a pyrenean shepherd that I was lucky to babysit for two months when he was a puppy and too young to travel to his new owner. He was not really my dog back then, but due to circumstances later on he became a permanent member of our family.
My boy happily lived with his new family in Berlin for years. In May 2019 his owner passed away and together with his family we decided it would be in Impi's best interest to come back to Slovenia and live with us. He has always been a little bit my dog as well and from then on it's official and I'll never let him go again.
Teaching him tricks was always easy, he also fits really well into our pack and just like auntie Tani, he eats life with a big spoon.
Here is one video of little Impi just enjoying his puppyhood: